Application Questions
- What offerings are available?Visit the Sponsor & Exhibit page to review the Sponsorship & Exhibit Prospectus and explore the sponsorship packages, tabletop exhibits, and additional promotional opportunities available.
- When will we get information on our tabletop space and onboarding instructions?In June, AASHE will notify you regarding tabletop space assignments, shipping information and deadlines, and ordering instructions for AV, electricity, and catering.
- Can we share a table with another organization?The subletting, assignment or apportionment of the whole or any part of the table space of an exhibitor is prohibited. No exhibitor may permit any other party to exhibit any goods other than those manufactured or handled by the contracting exhibitor in his/her space nor permit the solicitation of business by others within the space.
- Can I purchase Supplemental Branding Opportunities without being an Exhibitor or Sponsor?
Yes! With the exception of the speaking opportunities on the Solutions Stage, all Supplemental Branding Opportunities are open to all, regardless of sponsorship status.
- Who attends the AASHE 2024 Conference & Expo (#AASHE24)?The AASHE 2024 Conference & Expo brings together a diverse and influential group of sustainability leaders, including sustainability officers, campus administrators, faculty, and professionals from across the globe. This unique event provides an opportunity to connect with a wide range of individuals committed to advancing sustainability in higher education.
- What is AASHE On-Demand (AOD)?AASHE On-Demand, our virtual education platform, showcases content from previous AASHE conferences and programs. Your company information, as a sponsor or exhibitor, stays active on AASHE On-Demand until July 31, 2025, visible to registrants who can submit lead requests to your organization until that date. Your main point of contact will be notified of any new leads via email and can make updates to your company description via the Sponsor or Exhibitor Portal.
Tabletop Display Questions
- What's included in a tabletop space?Every table space comes with a 6′ display table with tablecloth, 2 chairs, WiFi, and 2 complimentary registrations.
Lead retrieval and electricity are not included, but can be purchased.
- How do I set up information about my organization in the mobile app?You will receive an email with a link and password to access your Exhibitor Portal later this summer. The email will come from no-reply@2024.aashe.com.
In your Exhibitor Portal, you can:
- Preview your listing design and information in real-time
- Add Managers (members of your staff who will be involved with the event)
- Edit your company profile
- Upload Booth Design files for:
- Logo Image
- Thumbnail Image
- Banner Image
- Promotional Video
- Review Tasks assigned to your organization
- Upload files, including handouts or other useful materials you’d like attendees to access. Max file size is 50 MB.
- Access leads from the event in real-time
- Is insurance required for our tabletop space?A Certificate of Insurance (COI) will be required for all sponsors and exhibitors with $1 million in coverage, and naming AASHE and Marriott Anaheim as additional insureds.
- Can we bring our 8’ backdrop to our tabletop?Tabletops measure 6’ x 2.5’, and displays must be limited to the tabletop and the area directly behind it. Tables must be arranged to ensure visitors are contained within the table space, keeping aisles clear of obstructions. If you wish to remove your table, contact us at conference@aashe.org and ensure your display still fits within the tabletop area.
Onsite Questions
- What is the expo hall schedule for this year’s conference?Sunday, October 27, 2024
- Exhibitor Installation: 12:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
- Expo Hall Opening & Reception: 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Monday, October 28, 2024
- Expo Hall Hours: 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- Expo Hall Lunch & Learn: 12:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
- Sponsored Receptions: 6:00 p.m. –
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
- Expo Hall Hours: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
- Expo Hall Lunch & Learn: 12:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
- Exhibitor Dismantle: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Note that sponsors and exhibitors wearing badges may enter the Expo Hall 1 hour prior to the scheduled opening time each day and may remain in the Expo Halll 1 hour after the close of the exposition each day.
- My colleague and I are attending on different days. Can we share a badge?Per the AASHE 2024 Registration & Participation Policies, all attendees must be registered to attend the conference and must wear their own badge at all times. Badge sharing and badge splitting is strictly prohibited.
- Can we leave our tabletop unmanned while we attend a session?While we encourage exhibitors and sponsors to attend our keynotes and educational sessions, at least one (1) representative must be present at your table during Expo Hall hours.
- Can we pack up our tabletop early?The packing of equipment, literature, etc., dismantling of exhibits is not permitted until the official closing time.
General FAQs
- Where and when is the AASHE 2024 Conference & Expo in-person conference?We invite you to join the highly anticipated AASHE 2024 Conference & Expo in Anaheim, California at the Anaheim Marriott from October 27-29, 2024!
- Will there be a virtual offering for people who can’t attend in person?We will not be offering virtual options for this conference. A hybrid model for our conference is going to be cost-prohibitive this year, but we continue to explore options on how we can get this important content out to the largest audience.
- Where can I receive updates regarding the conference?Please continue to monitor our conference website for more details or subscribe to our AASHE e-Newsletters for up-to-date details.
- Are scholarships available for those in need of financial assistance?AASHE is pleased to offer scholarships for those needing financial assistance to attend the AASHE Conference & Expo. Please review the guidelines carefully before submitting. Applications received on or before August 16, 2024 will be considered for this year’s conference only.
- Where can I get additional assistance?If you need assistance or have questions that have not been answered in the FAQs, please email us at conference@aashe.org.