AASHE advocates for policies and practices at a variety of levels that contribute to higher education sustainability. See our advocacy efforts on this page as we continue our work to ensure that AASHE members have their voices heard on the issues most important to them.

Recent Advocacy Efforts

The Climate Education Coalition calls upon the COP28 UAE Presidency and every UN member state to cooperate in highlighting universal climate education as a crucial aspect of combating the climate crisis with this letter.
My Green Lab and the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories have issued a challenge to science funders around the world to encourage sustainability in research. The Million Advocates for Sustainable Science letter campaign aims to demonstrate support for systemic change within the global science funding system.
The wage gap that exists means that women of color make significantly less than their peers. AASHE signed the Pay Equity Pledge to commit conducting a pay equity analysis of staff compensation and take corrective actions to remediate pay disparities.
AASHE endorsed the Exit Amazon Oil and Gas Platform which includes immediate and long-term commitments to end investment in oil and gas activities in the Amazon biome.
AASHE signed a letter calls on world leaders to oppose fossil-fueled wars and commit to ending the fossil fuel era while accelerating a just, equitable and renewable energy future.
AASHE partnered with a public-private partnership that calls on organizations across the country to set greenhouse gas reduction targets and share their innovative solutions across industries.
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