Bring the AASHE Conference & Expo to your Fingertips!
The AASHE Conference & Expo mobile app is available for download. Use the QR code below or search “Pheedloop Go” in the Apple App Store or in Google Play.
- After downloading the Pheedloop Go app, login using your email address and password from your registration.
- If you do not have your password, select “Forgot Password” to have it emailed to you.
- In the Find Event screen, you should see AASHE 2023
- If you do not see AASHE 2023, you are likely using a different email than you used for registration. Check your confirmation email. If you need assistance, reach out to conference@aashe.org.

With the mobile app you can:
- Receive important real-time communications
- Build a personalized schedule
- Access session files and slide decks
- Rate sessions to provide feedback
- Locate sessions and exhibitors
- Find attendees and connect with your colleagues through the Attendees Icon
- Use maps to navigate this event
- Join the social conversation
- Participate in Gamification
If you have any questions about the conference mobile app in Boston, please visit the registration desk where someone would be happy to help you.
Important Note: In an ongoing effort to increase the sustainability of our conference, programs will not be printed again this year. Attendees are highly encouraged to utilize the mobile app for conference information.