You’ve done the prep work. Now you are ready to record. Find pertinent tips that will help ensure your recording goes smoothly.

Get Started

  • Before You Hit Record

    • Quit all software not related to giving your presentation to increase bandwidth. In particular:
      • Any software running in the background that may interrupt your recording with a pop-up or sound notifications, such as email, instant messaging or antivirus monitoring.
      • Automatic backup software, which could cause the recording to stutter if it starts backing up your computer during your presentation.
    • Ensure presenters’ faces are visible when you are screen sharing. 
      • For sessions with one presenter, please move your webcam view to the upper right-hand corner.
      • For sessions with multiple presenters, enable Side-by-Side view with all presenters’ webcams visible on the right-hand side and the screen share on the left. For tips for setting this up in Zoom, please see Recording Assistance.
    • Check your webcam view, take a few deep breaths and click record.

  • Hitting Record

    • Leave the #GCSHE Title Slide up on the screen for 5 seconds with complete silence (this allows adequate time to ensure the recording has started).
    • Advance to your speaker biography slide and start the presentation by introducing yourself.
    • Speak slowly and clearly to ensure attendees can hear you. 
    • Do not start or stop your webcam after you have started recording. If you start or stop the webcam in the middle of recording, the recording software may also stop recording your screen.
    • Practice makes perfect. The great thing about being able to pre-record is that if you have a bad start or want to re-record, you can! If you’re comfortable with basic video editing software, you can also cut out small pieces you don’t like (such as long pauses or a co-presenter forgetting to unmute). Just remember to always create a new save file, just in case!
    • Relax and breathe. All of us are human and no one is perfect, so don’t fret over a mispronunciation or a moment of being tongue-tied. There’s no reason to re-record after thirty minutes just because you drew a blank. Just take a breath and keep going. Remember that the imperfect is relatable and can provide some much-needed levity
    • For Simulive sessions, at the close of your recording, instruct attendees to click the Zoom link to continue with the live portion of the session (e.g., live Q&A or breakouts).
    • Presenters should then join the Zoom session.

  • After Recording

    • Review the recording:
      • Is it the right length? 
        • For On-Demand Lighting Talks and Educational Sessions, it’s fine if it goes over/under by a minute or two. If the presentation seems dramatically longer or shorter than allotted, please let AASHE know and we can reclassify your session as either a longer or shorter session. We ultimately just want to ensure attendees can accurately predict how long the session they are accessing will run.
        • For Simulive Educational Sessions, be sure you have left enough time for any interactive elements, such as live video Q&A, breakout sessions and polls.
      • Can you hear all presenters clearly?
      • Are you happy with the overall quality?
    • Once you are satisfied with the recording, upload your presentation [upload instructions coming soon].

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