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These institutions demonstrate commitment to sustainability and contribute to the collective progress toward a more sustainable future. Contact Kimberly Smith, DES, at ksmith@aashe.org to become a Presenting Host Institution and maximize engagement and participation from your campus community.

Boston University Logo

Boston University Sustainability supports the transformation of Boston University’s planning, operations, and culture toward a sustainable and equitable future. We are guided by the University’s mission, Strategic Plan, and Climate Action Plan, which aims to make the University net carbon neutral by 2040 and Zero Waste by 2030. In January 2023, the University opened the Center for Computing & Data Sciences, the University’s most sustainable and Boston’s largest fossil fuel-free building to date.

Read the “Welcome from Kenneth W. Freeman, President Ad Interim of Boston University.”

Northeastern University is a visionary institution that places sustainability at the forefront of its mission. Embracing the interconnectedness of the physical, biological, human, and digital worlds, we redefine education through our global university system, providing unbounded spaces for experiential learning and problem-solving in ever-changing contexts. Our unwavering commitment to sustainability drives us to nurture learners and innovators dedicated to making a direct, positive impact on the world while building a more sustainable future for humanity.

Read the “Welcome from Joseph E. Aoun, President of Northeastern University.”

In the spirit of our motto, Pax et Lux (“Peace and Light”), Tufts University faculty and students work together as active global citizens, illuminating each other and the world. Centered in the vibrant academic landscape of Greater Boston, students and faculty engage with sustainability challenges using Tufts unique educational and research strengths to achieve maximum impact. Tufts sustainability vision is to become an equitable, thriving community that advances global sustainable development by producing resilient problem solvers and scalable solutions.

Read the “Welcome from Tufts University President Sunil Kumar and Chief Sustainability Offer Dano Weisbord.”