AASHE provides vital resources to support your institution in reaching its sustainability goals.
Be among the leading institutions in the higher education sustainability movement. Gain visibility among the sustainability community and strengthen your skills to drive transformation and innovation at your institution. AASHE membership empowers your entire campus to be strategic change agents with access to a wealth of best practices and a strong, supportive community of professional peers. Join your colleagues!
Get the support you need to advance sustainability on your campus. We connect our members with one another to build supportive relationships and enable you to collaborate together to find solutions to the challenges you face on campus. Whether participating in virtual conferences, workshops, webinars or the online community, you’re not alone when you join the AASHE community!
Save time and resources by equipping your entire campus with the tools and guidance needed to achieve your institution’s sustainability goals. Staff, faculty and students have access to a plethora of resources that cover all aspects of campus sustainability best practices and strategies.
Receive recognition for your commitment to sustainability in higher education. Through various platforms, AASHE recognizes the work you do on campus and shares your achievements with the larger community to motivate and inspire others to accelerate sustainability on campus.
- Benefits
Networking & Recognition
- AASHE Connect – This invaluable resource is an online, members-only community that enables you to ask for advice, share expertise and connect with peers working on similar initiatives as you are.
- AASHE Conference & Expo – AASHE’s annual conference is the largest stage to share effective models, policies, research, collaborations, and transformative actions that advance sustainability in higher education and surrounding communities. Member institutions receive special offers for substantially discounted group registrations.
- Member Directory Listing – Be among the list of who’s who in the campus sustainability community.
- AASHE Sustainability Awards – Get recognized for your outstanding achievements and progress toward sustainability. AASHE bestows its prestigious sustainability awards each year on the institutions and individuals leading higher education to a sustainable future.
- Member Logo – Place the member logo on your website, brochures, and other materials to emphasize your institution’s commitment to campus sustainability.
- AASHE Bulletin – Stay up-to-date with the only specially curated, weekly news source for the higher education sustainability community.
Benchmarking & Research
- Campus Sustainability Hub – Discover thousands of resources in AASHE’s online resource library. The Hub is a one-stop-shop for members to access toolkits and resource collections about all aspects of sustainability in higher education, from academics to operations to governance.
- STARS (Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System) – Utilize this self-reporting framework to help your institution establish a baseline for sustainability performance and track and promote progress. Members receive a significant discount on an initial Full Access subscription and subsequent renewals. Access the STARS Benchmarking Tool and Data Display to compare performance against peer institutions and download specific information reported through STARS.
- Sustainable Campus Index – This annual publication recognizes top-performing colleges and universities in 17 distinct aspects of sustainability, as measured by STARS. The SCI highlights over 70 innovative and high-impact initiatives from institutions around the world.
- Higher Education Sustainability Staffing Survey – Published every two years, this member-only report examines the nature of sustainability positions at colleges and universities, providing insights into salaries, funding, supervision, job satisfaction, challenges, and more. This report aims to increase understanding of the continuously growing career field of sustainability professionals in higher education.
Professional Development
- Workshops – AASHE’s workshops are designed for members to gain knowledge, share best practices, and build supportive relationships with other professionals in the field. Members also receive special offers from AASHE partners to expand their sustainability expertise and further their professional development.
- Webinars – Members have access to the entire library of archived webinars to learn about innovative and high-impact approaches for advancing sustainability in higher education. Covering everything from academics to campus operations, AASHE webinars enable members to interact and learn from one another without traveling.
- Leadership – Share your experience and expertise by serving on the Board of Directors, Advisory Council, or STARS Steering Committee.
- Job Leads – Get the lead on-campus sustainability job openings or post an opening in our weekly electronic newsletter Bulletin. Job submissions are free to post, but they must be directly related to campus sustainability.
- Dues
Least Developed Countries (LDC)
Student Enrollment (FTE) Dues All Institutions (4-yr, Graduate, and 2-yr) $175 OECD Countries
4-yr. and Graduate Institutions
Student Enrollment (FTE) Dues <250 $255 250-999 $505 1,000-4,999 $1,010 5,000-9,999 $1,105 10,000-14,999 $1,260 15,000-19,999 $1,510 20,000-29,999 $1,615 >30,000 $1,785 2-yr. Institutions
Student Enrollment (FTE) Dues <5,000 $250 >5,000 $505 Non-OECD, Non-LDC Countries
4-yr. and Graduate Institutions
Student Enrollment (FTE) Dues <250 $175 250-999 $340 1,000-4,999 $670 5,000-9,999 $745 10,000-14,999 $840 15,000-19,999 $1,010 20,000-29,999 $1075 >30,000 $1,185 2-yr. Institutions
Student Enrollment (FTE) Dues <5,000 $175 >5,000 $340 - Membership Application
Join Today
Become a member of the organization that is inspiring and catalyzing higher education to lead the sustainability transformation.
Questions About Membership?
Email: Membership@aashe.org
Phone: 888-347-9997 ext. 1