The Advisory Council is the primary mechanism for members to get involved in AASHE governance. Consisting of leaders from higher education, business, nonprofits, and government, the Advisory Council provides advice and guidance on higher-level strategy as well as specific programs and services.

The application period is currently open.

  • Advisory Council Roles and Responsibilities
    The Advisory Council is an advisory body and, although Advisory Council input often has a significant impact on staff and board decisions, it has no formal decision ­making authority. Advisory Council members:

    • Participate in one or more topical subcommittees through which they provide advice in response to questions from AASHE staff.
    • Provide feedback related to the development and implementation of AASHE’s Strategic Plan.
    • Attend occasional meetings at AASHE’s annual conference, if available.
    • Contribute to AASHE programs (e.g., by volunteering to review conference presentation proposals, serving as a judge in the awards program, advising on STARS technical development, submitting resources to the Campus Sustainability Hub, participating in conversations on the online community, or serving as a STARS peer reviewer).
    • Promote AASHE to colleagues and connect the organization with others who can assist in advancing AASHE’s mission.

    Overall, Advisory Council (AC) members can expect to contribute an average of two to four hours per month in service to AASHE. Members receive no remuneration for their services.

  • Qualifications
    AC members should possess:

    • A deep understanding of AASHE’s mission, vision, values and goals.
    • Strong knowledge of the principles of sustainability and their application in higher education.
    • A demonstrated commitment to achieving a just and sustainable society.

  • Selection
    AC members are appointed by the staff as needed. Appointments are typically drawn from those who submit an application in response to an annual call for volunteers or who are nominated by an AASHE Affiliate Network. In general, prospective AC members must be affiliated with an AASHE member organization or a STARS Partner organization when they apply.
  • Term
    The term of service for AC members is two years and is renewable. Terms are staggered to avoid a complete turnover every two years. In the event that an AC member leaves an AASHE member organization during their term, they may choose to complete the remainder of their term.
  • Structure
    Advisory Council Structure

    The AC is facilitated by an AASHE staff liaison. In addition, one or more liaisons from the AASHE board of directors may also be appointed as per board of director policies and procedures for committee appointments.

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