5 events found.
All Day
2023 CUMU Annual Conference: Resilient Campuses. Resilient Cities
Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel 999 9th St NW, Washington, DCFor more information and/or to register, visit: https://web.cvent.com/event/fd24f8c4-e0c3-49db-954f-8290ad692e90/websitePage:b63fd038-5803-4926-9ebd-7bb6fbba8a9c
Open Education Global Conference 2023
NorQuest College Edmonton Campus 10215 108 St NW, EdmontonFor more information and/or to register, visit: https://conference.oeglobal.org/2023/
NAAEE 2023 Conference
OnlineNorth American Association for Environmental Education 2023 Conferences Research Symposium: October 12 Conference: October 18–20 Workshops & Meetings: October 9–20 For more information and/or to register, visit https://conference.naaee.org/
UN Sustainable Development Goals Lab
OnlineFor more information and/or to register, visit https://thesdgslab.com/seattle
Webinar: The Why and How Behind Aligning Your Institution’s Values With its Food Purchases
OnlineThis webinar illustrates why and how institutions can advance values-based food procurement practices on campus.