The Advisory Council (AC) is organized into a series of committees covering major aspects of AASHE work. These committees enable AC members to focus on topics in which they have expertise or interest. Each committee has one or more staff liaisons who post occasional (at least once per year) requests for advice or other support to the group and may convene phone meetings if necessary to support the committee’s work.

AC members are encouraged to participate in at least one committee and may join or leave a committee at any time by contacting the relevant staff liaison. There are no size limitations for committees. Like the AC as a whole, committees are advisory in nature and have no formal decision-making authority.

Committees are formed or dissolved as needed to support AASHE’s work.

Current Committees

  • Technical Committee on Academics
    Staff Liaison: Chris Pelton (STARS Program Manager)
    Purpose:  This committee advises on STARS technical development related to curriculum and research. It also provides occasional feedback on other AASHE programs and initiatives related to academics.
  • Technical Committee on Engagement
    Staff Liaison: Chris Pelton (STARS Program Manager)
    Purpose:  This committee advises on STARS technical development related to campus and community engagement. It also provides occasional feedback on other AASHE programs and initiatives related to engagement.
  • Technical Committee on Operations
    Staff Liaison: Chris Pelton (STARS Program Manager)
    Purpose:  This committee advises on STARS technical development related to advancing operational sustainability on campuses. It also provides occasional feedback on other AASHE programs and initiatives related to campus operations.
  • Technical Committee on Planning & Administration
    Staff Liaison: Chris Pelton (STARS Program Manager)
    Purpose:  This committee advises on STARS technical development related to campus governance, investments, diversity, affordability, employee wellbeing, and other administrative functions. It also provides occasional feedback on other AASHE programs and initiatives related to planning and administration.
Ready to Join the Advisory Council?
Review Criteria and Qualifications